Two More Senior Fosters to Muttville

Fosters Lilibet and Miller will be going to Muttville later this month, but I’m sure glad we got to spend some time with them and gave them a lot of outdoor time when we could since they weren’t getting out as much as possible at the shelter given time constraints and such a need for so many animals to be adopted. I love seeing Miller look and navigate like a real dog without all that matting!

Lilibet can be clumsy and assertive, but she also has a tender side. She is cuddling with both Calvin and Hobbes at different times here and there’s a precious picture of Calvin resting his head on her. Meanwhile, Miller is enjoying his new matt-free body by stretching himself out on the bed and couch.

Foster Lisibet

Here are pictures with our other foster dog we met today. She is probably a Corgie mix and an even older senior than Miller. She is also obviously much lower maintenance when it comes to grooming. After some sniffing with the others, she managed to snuggle in the dog bed with Snoopy.

I’ll probably call her “Lilly” for brevity. These are the pictures from her adoption profile.

Here she is greeting Lil Man at the shelter:

Foster Miller Urgent Groom

I heard about two senior dogs at our shelter (HSNB dot org) that could use some home time, including one that desperately needed grooming. The soonest Miller could be groomed was three days away, so I offered to at least do that. Having recently transferred one foster to Muttville and with another foster adopted out recently, we decided to meet Miller and Lisibet today to at least give them a break from the shelter. “Lily” is even more senior than Miller.

These are before, during, and after pictures of Miller, the most matted dog I’ve ever groomed. Shea was super helpful and was in charge of the bath with his homemade soap!




This was the appeal for Miller to be groomed:

This was Miller playing with Lil Man at the shelter before I met him:

Hello from Vallejo, California!