Hot Tub Excursion in East Bay

Brought the dogs to my friend Peter Herman’s amazing backyard. Got some great hot tub in while the dogs explored a novel place for them. Had great music and snacks and great company practicing my Spanish and teaching him a bit of Italian. I’m so lucky to have him as a friend through these tough times especially. I’ll certainly appreciate my hot tub when I get home to Wellfleet Drive again.

I’m very pleased with how some of my selfies turned out, and also glad I didn’t drop my phone in the water!

Sonoma Rendezvous with Law School Colleague and other Friends

Mike O’Rourke is an amazing attorney in Canada who I went to law school with and who was instrumental in my coming out process. His husband and he flew in to the San Francisco area and we were able to meet up with our friends Rick and Kai. I brought the dogs to Viansa Winery and then we made a quick trip to downtown Sonoma where we had lunch. The weather was gorgeous and I was glad I was able to share some time with them as they started their Wine Country leg of their trip. Mike had flown in from Hong Kong a few days before and Pangus (a British Columbia native) flew in from Toronto, where they both currently live.

Hello from Vallejo, California!