Saving Tucker’s Eye

A few weeks ago we noticed that the white’s of one of Tucker’s eyes were bloodshot, so we figured he had injured himself in that eye, which may be what caused this, since we’ve paid a lot of money to make sure he doesn’t have any underlying disease or more ominous potential cause like a tumor behind the eye.  We went to get it checked out when the front of his eye got shiny red and we found out he is now blind in that eye and has a detached retina and developed glaucoma with a high eye pressure.  Fortunately we’ve gotten the pressure down to normal (closer to 18 after being in the high 30’s), but we are still hoping that the redness in the front of the eye will go away.  It was important to reduce the pressure because it can cause a constant headache for him and if the eye drops that he will have for the rest of his life did not work, we would have no choice but to more humanely have the eye removed and sewn up.  Fortunately all of the specialist visits have determined that so far he is in the clear from having to have that surgery and Tucker has been consistently happy go-lucky during the entire time, including at every vet visit.  He doesn’t seem to be suffering from only having vision in one eye either.

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