September Vallejo Gay Network Potluck and Pool Party

Preparing for VGN at Greg and Steve’s house:

Bonnie and Snoopy were a hit at the pool. Bonnie, who generally does well in crowds anyway, as opposed to onesy-twosies, was well-behaved, thanks to some dog training we’ve had. She barely growled at anyone and I think she’s a big faker, because for the tiniest of treats, she loves to be petted. She let at least a half dozen people she never met pet her, to my shock, because each time I thought she’d smell them and back away to “protect” me. Perhaps we’ve made some real breakthroughs! Snoopy was so popular he was barely on the ground since he was being held so much. There were also two other small dogs there, Jordi and Toby.

Great turnout!

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