
  • Italian was my first language.  I was never educated in it, so there are definite gaps, but I communicate with my family in Italy daily, at least in a group chat.
  • I’m a huge Francophile so I practice French, and as it t urns out my DNA is 15% French which I did not know until about 2019.  I’m self-taught and pretty proficient after a few days of immersion.
  • Between living in Spain, New York and California, I’m pretty decent in Spanish.
  • Portuguese I find intriguing and easy to read, but I am not fluent and cannot speak it by any means.  However, I think I could learn if I needed to.
  • Catalan – Having lived in Catalonia for a few years and still visiting the area regularly, I can understand it well, especially since it has so much Spanish, Italian and French in it.

Hello from Vallejo, California!