My daughter, who lives in Berkeley, and I were invited by my friend, a son of the late philanthropists, to see this exhibit and attend this event. We heard from two biographers of Vivian Maier who know about this story of her posthumous fame, mostly through the internet. She died in 2009 and only now are we appreciating what a prolific and talented photographer she was, despite what many would consider a rather unremarkable life that she led. This was presented by the Reva and David Logan Gallery of Documentary Photography at the UC Berkeley School of Journalism.
All posts by jah
Cross-posting Daughter’s Racism Article
Happy Green!
Now I can finally tell my Yorkies apart!
My daughter’s interview on Elephant Journal!
Prompted by the article she wrote for the site on being the “only black yogi in the room” she shines during an interview and talks a bit about her life journey so far.
Check out Alexandra’s blog!
Montague & Capulet get Makeovers
In Memoriam, Zio Pino
My cousin Antonio (biondo) Rocca did this tribute: