Category Archives: GCCA

End of Summer Glen Cove Waterfront Event 2024

I attended as president of Glen Cove Community Association a second annual End of Summer event at Glen Cove Waterfront Park here in Vallejo. Our board worked very hard to put this together. The turnout was decent even though the weather was unusually hot for October. That may have affected turnout, but we had more to offer this year with the jumpy house for kids, lots of games, free wine for adults, a food truck, and live music courtesy of Mike and Tonya from Tara Hills. Under the shade of the eucalyptus trees, it was pleasant with a breeze, but still a hot one.

Videos include the Faceboook Live Streams and personal video we took at the event:

These pictures are courtesy of Bill Yuen and Neal Zimmerman:

Glen Cove is Officially a Firewise Community

Board members of GCCA are with me (I’m the current president) and our councilperson, Vice-Mayor Mina Loera-Diaz.

Taken from my phone, the Firewise team helped Livestream this event at our local school where GCCA, our volunteer neighborhood association was gifted the Firewise designation (only the third in Solano County).

Update on September 10, 2024, Vice-Mayor Loera-Diaz mentioned this event at City Council:

Snoopy and I got approved to rent a house nearby in the Westpointe development of Glen Cove neighborhood in Vallejo starting next week. I’m glad I got approved, but of course it’s bittersweet under the circumstances. Having just become president of the community association for a second term, it made sense that I stay in the neighborhood, and my own home will be accessible for me to tend to the garden. I can also check mail with a modest bike ride. Thank you for all of the support my communities have given me. There is a lot to rebuild, but I feel weird asking for things. Last night I got a whole seven hours of sleep for the first time in two weeks since this nightmare began.

Q1 Glen Cove Community Association Newsletter

For our neighborhood quarterly newsletter, I write the President’s Letter article these days. This quarter I actually wrote a few articles in this issue about what the GCCA volunteer Board does for our neighborhood. I’m proud of how professional our team delivers this online periodical each time. Check out the dynamic slide-show version of our newsletter here!

Below is the PDF version which is less interactive. For years of archives, check out the GCCA newsletter archive.