Category Archives: Activism

Vote for Calyn!

I’m so proud that one of my friends and a colleague in my tobacco control coalition is running for school board in Hayward (where I grew up, although I was zoned and schooled in the New Haven Unified School District which covered southern Hayward). Calyn is an amazing man, father, and health advocate working to empower youth to live their best lives with Bay Area Community Resources. He has inspired me to be a better public speaker. I have watched him work off the cuff and have always been impressed with his confidence and the breadth of his knowledge. He deserves all the support he can get and Hayward would be lucky to have him in this capacity!

Urgency of Tobacco Retail License for Vallejo

Here are my activist colleagues Brian, Nefertiti, and a youth activist from here in Vallejo, Genesis (with whom I did the radio show last year), who showed up to comment on our frustration with the lack of Vallejo’s Tobacco Retail License getting adopted more than a year after we presented at City Council’s request.

My comments were roughly this:

Good evening Mayor and City Council. I’m Joseph Hayden, a Vallejo resident and volunteer Co-Chair of Tobacco Free Solano and LGBTQ Minus Tobacco.

Over twelve months ago our coalition, together with Vallejo youth advocates, presented to City Council a compelling case for why a Tobacco Retail License was needed most desperately in Vallejo.  We are pleased that we were able to meet with city staff numerous times to discuss details and that there was an opportunity for tobacco retailers to be educated on this forthcoming ordinance.  [Not a single retailer showed up. ]

Despite this bit of progress, there’s frustration that there is still no specific date for it to be on the agenda of the Planning Commission, which is where the ordinance sits before it can be read out to the City Council for the FIRST reading, something City Council was hoping to have by September of last year!

Moreover, we’re now aware, as City staff is, about the deadline for the California State Attorney General looking to assist with funding for jurisdictions that adopt tobacco retail licenses in time.  I don’t want to see Vallejo miss out on these very helpful state funds, especially for a REVENUE NEUTRAL ordinance that will save lives. This is about the most preventable cause of death in the United States. 

Please help us to hasten the reading of this ordinance, lest we lose momentum. Please keep the outrage alive at what has happened to our families, and continues to happen, when Peddlers of POISON try to Persuade us that they deserve the Privilege of having our youth Purchase their Products. 

Keep in mind that since we first presented, other jurisdictions in Massachusetts and at least two cities in California already have stopped the sale of commercial tobacco ALTOGETHER to help save their citizens from this scourge.  This is called End Game. 

How many lives could have been improved and lengthened if we had already thwarted these Vallejo youth from being addicted to a toxic product that kills when used as intended, the availability of which lets them think that it’s okay to engage in self-destructive behavior?  Tobacco is the most unregulated drug in the world that is still readily available to them, especially when we compare Vallejo’s underage youth sale rates to other Bay Area jurisdictions.  By design, in food deserts, one only needs to extend one’s arm to find nicotine products in every direction.  This is still a health equity issue.  So how many shortened life spans and devastated families will know my family’s grief (and that of some of you) because of the lack of outrage at what the tobacco retailers continue to get away with?  Unchecked sales and no accountability are why we need a tobacco retail license forthwith.

I ask you to think about what the inherently racist, callous and insidious industry of Big Tobacco is doing to our families.  The job of our governments, including local governments, is to protect citizens.  That means standing up for us no despite the unlikely threat of litigation from the industry. 

Pulmonologists say that NOTHING SHOULD GO INTO OUR LUNGS (or our kids’ lungs) except AIR!

Later in the evening, my colleague Calyn Kelly called in and got the conversation re-triggered and heated, so let’s hope we hear something soon!

Bonnie Hayden

Today I officially adopted my Bon-bon. Bonnie joins Snoopy and me to become a part of my little family. She brings great joy to Snoopy and me and I’m happy I can take her on, give her the 14 eye drops (which aren’t free!) to help her with her limited vision every day for the rest of her life, and rehabilitate her little problem with growling at humans she is startled by when she first encounters them (unless they are right there with a treat, of course).

Months ago I had overheard something about her in an animal shelter board meeting shortly after losing my five beloved dogs in a fire in January. Two of them were also blind, as many of you know. She piqued my interest and when the dust sort of settled, I asked if I could at least foster her.

I must have done something right because she loves me so much. She is very affectionate and is very protective of me (perhaps too much). I cannot imagine life without her. She is almost always perfectly behaved when I take her places. Now I just have to work on her staying calm when we’re snuggled up at the house.

Tobacco End Game Summit 2024

I learned a LOT at the Tobacco End Game Summit in Washington DC last week. On the verge of tears, I found “my people” in large numbers like I’ve never seen before from many countries and many states. I’ve had to become pretty expert in smokeless cannabis, commercial tobacco, nicotine, and many other nuances to be a better activist to save as many lives as I can with the help of those who are awake enough to pay attention to this continuing nightmare of death and destruction everywhere we turn still. If anyone is interested in hearing more about the INHERENT racism and other historical truths that have brought us to where we are today, please reach out. I’ll privately send you some of the talking points I learned that will hopefully resonate with anyone who cares about health equity. One point that really hit home also was that it’s the government’s JOB to protect us and our health, so why are they doing such a poor job of that after centuries of devastation from and exploitation with this bastardized product?

While my decision to vote for the Democratic ticket is not in doubt, I’m GRAVELY disappointed in this terrible decision that the Biden administration has made by kowtowing to the poison peddlers also known as Big Tobacco who have targeted Black Lives (disproportionately) with these flavored products used to mask the harshness of this highly addictive drug that has been marketed to people of color for decades since their lives matter even less to Tobacco Fat Cats than the rest of us human biological experiments. I’m proud that at least California had the sense to ban menthol, but Big Tobacco was at the ready to immediately start issuing identically marketed “non-menthol” products to continue poisoning people who smoke with their commercial tobacco without missing a beat. Anyone who supports BLM should know that far more Black people are killed by this product when used as intended than any other cause, and 8 million people are killed a year by this product worldwide, including 400,000 in the United States alone, making it THE MOST preventable cause of death. It’s the least regulated product in the world and we are still tolerating it for the profit of a few. There are far more of us who should be up in arms that those profiting. Where is the OUTRAGE?!

At least this article correctly points out that Al Sharpton is fighting to keep menthol cigarettes available. There is HARD PROOF he receives tobacco underwriting if you look at the fine print of his speaking tours. He’s literally receiving payola and blood money to kill Black people, so if you didn’t have a reason to dislike this fake progressive in the past, now you do.

Washington DC April 2024

Judicial Square, Washington DC
Water Fountains
DuPont Circle
The Mall and Washington Monument

Had a fantastic experience here in Washington DC for the Tobacco End Game Summit. I found my people from every corner of the USA and from several other countries trying to save lives by fighting an industry that has the PRIVILEGE to PEDDLE POISON. Where is the outrage at 8 MILLION preventable deaths a year?

I took a few other days here in DC to see museums and I got a start by going to the National Gallery. What a gem, and what a reminder of how beautifully this French-inspired city was laid out. I was so reminded of wonderful times in Paris when I sat in the drizzle on the National Mall. I saw incredible works and experienced zen in the halls of this most gorgeous building as well. I’m sure the pictures won’t do it justice.

Americans have so much to be proud of in our society with the right context put to the art of our culture, and that was very clear in the depictions of black and indigenous Americans, even though the gallery was very heavily European-influenced. Reading the fine print and discovering what is behind art history reveals so much. I hope to see a variety of museums while I’m here.

Tobacco Endgame Summit 2024

Photos are courtesy of Action on Smoking and Health and Dr. Geoffrey T. Fong.

Guess who is front and center in this picture?!?!?

In the first block of pictures below I’m commenting on the enforcement of tobacco control ordinances and how we must ensure that accountability is included in the ordinance when it is passed. I also mentioned that we should not send police officers into tobacco retail establishments “guns-a-blazing” whenever we have options, as we do, to use code enforcement resources that municipalities and counties have, or even civilian volunteers/non-profits that are willing to protect our youth from the poison that is sold legally and without regularly to addict our populations and manifesting the most preventable cause of death.

You can see me in a bunch of these pictures fully engaged and in some cases almost on the verge of tears.