Category Archives: Activism

Looks like a second generation of Quayles is ripe for mockery

Like a sad potatoe, Ben Quayle was raised “right” and thinks he’s speaking for the majority when he says that “Barack Obama is the worst president in history.”  Did he not witness what happen with his father’s running mate’s son (not that his father’s running mate was anything to write home about)?

So Ben is going to Washington to kick some ass (my word, but he used the word “hell”).  Is Arizona the new bastion of right wing nuttery that used to be Florida until all the liberals moved down there?  This guy is a joke who had to distinguish himself among the many people vying for the same seat, and already scandal  in the form of some kind of link to a hetero porn site, is biting as his heels.  Nevertheless, Fox “News” (“news” being said with a grain of salt since they underwrite some of these lame, poorly-attended tea party events, rather than even attempting to be impartial) is “right” there promoting him, already.

Arizona Govern-ess in bed with Private Prison industry

So Arizona’s appointed governor is flanked very closely by people who are currently married to or formerly themselves lobbying for the private prison industry in that state, which would benefit greatly from the incarceration of people who cross the border from Mexico.  Coincidence!?!?  Now we know the impetus for the racist immigration law!

Bear with me a minute here.  I’m getting flashbacks of Cheney and Haliburton.

These same private prisons in Arizona routinely and recently have had escapees, at least one of whom is still at large as of this writing!

I understand that the people who proposed this bill would say it applies to all foreigners, but what does a Canadian border crosser look like?  How many Irishmen jump the border into Arizona?  Do they really maintain that there is a perfect balance of ethnicities among the illegal immigrants in a border states? It’s racist and violates the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, as a federal judge recently found.I have never heard of a Canadian coming to this country illegally (let alone to a southwestern state bordering Mexico) to subject himself to pay for the medical care he would get for free in his own country, and which is actually higher quality in many instances than our own (lower child mortality rate to start with).  The racial profile issue was controversial because Latino people would be targeted and more suspect, even if they were tenth generation Arizonan and even if their families were there before we stole the southwest from Mexico.

The governess specifically speaks about the border with another country and the supposed crime that it facilitates, when there has been nothing but a steady decrease in crime over the past several years in AZ and a decrease in border crossings because the demand has dissipated due to the crappy economy that the party of this governor has burdened us with.  She is trying to claim that the feds are doing a worse job at their responsibility with border patrolling.  There is no logical association between the urgency that she has to scare white people with this supposed invasion except to make her private prison-representing friends who detain (not repatriate) borders crossers richer.  Just the fact that the ran from the reporter when confronted about this blatant conflict of interest that she failed to disclose speaks volumes.

Ding Dong, Prop 8 is Dead!

Which old witch?  The bigot’s wish!  Sorry Judy, but the Mormon church and every other bigot (especially those adorning their hatred on front lawns and bumper stickers) can suck my Lolipop Guild.  Oh happy day!  The haters out of state and around the world have been put in their place by glorious jurisprudence.

I don’t even believe in hetero marriage, as I’ve said pretty much all along, but I’ll be damned if some people should be able to suffer while others cannot, and there truly are innumerable legal advantages to what marriage can bring (immigration alone).  My daughter’s classmate keeps pointing out that gay people have the right to marry (people of the opposite sex) but I can’t believe that rhetoric would even be taken seriously by those who spent money and time trying to limit the rights of a vibrant part of the population.

So congratulations to my home state, my father’s home state and the home of my grandparents and great-grandparents (to which I returned to live for the fifth time in 2007), for agreeing with almost half the voters (not that decisions of this magnitude should be made by propositions in the first place).  California realizes that we cannot remain in Draconian times by making endemic minorities systematically inferior.  I’m already embarrassed enough by our European neighbors who don’t have to think twice about these things.

My hope is that the case is indeed appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, which generally does not put its fingers on domestic relations cases of any kind (although one could argue this is a civil rights case). Most cases that are brought to the US Supreme Court are not heard, and so the ruling of the federal Judges, such as this one, remain as law in good standing.  There is only a need to hear it if the Court feels like there was an error in interpreting the law, which in the federal arena, includes most importantly, the US Constitution.  On that basis, this decision is sound, and agreeing to hear the case could easily create a mandate that all states allow gay marriage, which is why the supporters of Proposition 8 had better be damn careful they don’t open up that Pandora’s box.  Still, I think it’s ridiculous to have a hodge-podge of gay marriage rights in one country.  Canada had that for a little while and it was seen as ridiculous, so they made gay marriage completely legal in every province.  Let’s have some common sense like they did.  Our grandchildren will be wondering what all the damn fuss was about.

I am also confident that no legislature in California would ever get the support it needed to overturn such a ruling and because of the Supremecy Clause of the US Constitution, it would be moot.  The haters should look at the bright side — the financial windfall that legalizing gay marriage necessarily brings to a jurisdiction should be welcome, especially by the party that touts fiscal responsbility and libertarian ideals of keeping the government out of our lives and by extension bedrooms.  Besides, California’s budget can use all the help it can these days, which is why even Republican Schwarzenegger wouldn’t have thwarted the gay marriage rights if it had crossed his desk and he had little to say in opposition to it.  Indeed, if it wasn’t for gay men, he may never have achieved the status that he had in his Hollywood career, which we all know was based almost exclusively on his physique and not his “talent” for acting.

The important line of the decision today was that there was “no rational basis” why one group would need to subject the other group to a position of inferiority.  Brace yourself for the backlash, my friends.  Gay Judge or not, the fight for righteous equality is not over.

Criminal case against BART Officer who killed Oscar Grant

There was no commotion on the BART on the way home the day of the verdict for my daughter and me, despite the marginally disappointing verdict.  I still think it was historic that a white “officer” (I don’t understand why BART police need guns in the first place) was charged with at least involuntary manslaughter for killing a black (unarmed, no less) man who had never been in any serious trouble with the law.  I still think the idea of him thinking he was reaching for a taser, which does not have a holster lock nor a safety log or a finger trigger, have nothing to do with what prompted him to shoot the obviously struggling young man who was on the ground with another cop’s knee into him.  It was something that I do believe his lawyer had suggested several days later that they issue to the press to excuse the homicide.  I think it was tantamount to gay panic by this rookie white security guard having “black panic” when there really was no reasonable cause for belief that Oscar Grant was armed.

That Rekers (like oxidized hypocrisy)!

I’m so reveling in the PERFECT HYPOCRITE squirming like a maggot:  “ Rekers” testified against gay parents because of neurotic suppression of his own gayness! Wake up people!

I can’t find anything online yet re Rekers’ wife; was she at home during this ten day trip to Europe with rentboy? What about all of his other “assisted” vacations?  UPDATE:  So now it is clear what Rekers was trying to protect in part:  he has a wife and sons (presumably grown) and he has finally admitted to some weaknesses and getting spiritual help that he needs, even though he’s clinging on to the claim that he was able to “counsel” his rentboy on being saved (presumably while he was enjoying the mandated naked massages that he insisted on paying for daily).

The lawyer in me cannot fathom how Rekers could be SO DUMB as to put his “contract” expecting intimacy in writing!  I believe they showed the document, with Rekers’ real name no less, in the CNN interview video with the waif, who was probably the one who provided it to them. I guess Rekers needed it in writing because was concerned he wouldn’t get his $75 worth every single day of his trip! I do not believe it required a happy ending!

At least SOME of the fortune Florida paid Rekers for his bigotry&self-loathing streams back to the community through his string of rented twinks, right?

Ann Coulter really needs attention…

Something tells me she’s been a rabble-rouser since preschool.  I’m not even going to dignify her by restating her obvious attempts to garner attention here, but suffice to say that she is playing the victim game.  This woman seriously needs to get laid, and according to her strict moral values she must, of course, be a virgin, because she has never been married.

RIP Gene Baugh

You were my friend with whom I had so much in common for so many years. You were a rock. I can’t believe this.

Just got terrible news about losing one of my closest gaydad friends in the world, Gene Baugh, in Columbus, who raised his five kids.  I read his autobiography, although I don’t think it was ever published.  He was a huge fan of the Spanish language and had spent time in Spain in his youth.  I flew to Columbus to be in his marriage to a man in 1998, and he and I also spent time together at various gay parenting conventions around the country.  We originally met in 1996 in Minneapolis and stayed in touch quite regularly the whole time, sharing the drama of our kids and our lives before and after coming out.  He was only 56, and a big bear of a man (also very tall).

His daughter, Ruth, who lives on the West Coast now, as I do, went with my daughter and me to our first Provincetown Family Week.  Ruth and I recently got back in touch with each other and today she emailed me with the news that he had been taken off life support as he had requested be done if he should ever be in this state.  He had a stroke on Friday.