Category Archives: Politics

Wieners in DC

I definitely respect Wiener for exposing (sorry) the ugly side of politics over the many years he was in Washington.

Democrats take the position of resigning when they are caught with their pants off (even if there is no insinuation of physical contact with women on the other side of the country), but there is something that precious few talk show pundits have been discussing in recent weeks.  The difference between the Wiener scandal and all of the other, ignoble, far more egregious and often criminal cases of salacious sexual impropriety among Repubs, is solely that the Repubs have not been caught engaging in their exploits on camera.  The pictures went viral because they could go viral.  It was far too easy for Wiener to have accidentally mixed his public photo cache with his very private cache.  He doesn’t sound like the most tech-savvy guy in the world to begin with.

In principle, I’m not surprised how many people have x-rated photos of themselves online, even headless ones and even among heterosexuals, although I would wager that far fewer women are asking to see body parts before taking someone in the ether very seriously.  I’m not surprised that the exchange of pictures is not dominated by teenagers, as some reports have recently shown, but let’s remember that Anthony Wiener was not in Congress lecturing others about sexual morality and he was certainly not preaching his views to the public about what people should do in their private lives.

I wish Wiener luck on his new marriage and prospective fatherhood.  I don’t think they should try to make him to go rehab.  No no no.

Pinko Liberals?

I usually agree with 99% of what Religulous filmmaker Bill Maher says and 95% of what Michael Moore says, and I still don’t consider myself to be that liberal. The U.S. population is just artificially puritanical.

Bill Maher let mainstream Republicans and conspiracy theorists have it in a major response rant to the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden (reposted via Politicus USA):

“Now that it’s become clear that the Republicans, the fiscally conservative strong on defense party are neither fiscally conservative nor strong on defense, they have to tell us what exactly it is they’re good at. It’s not defense. 9/11 happened on your watch, and you retaliated by invading the wrong country, and you lost a 10 year game of hide and seek with Osama Bin Laden, and you’re responsible for running up most of the debt, which more than anything makes us weak.”

“You’re supposed to be the party with the killer instinct, but it was a Democrat who put a bomb in Gadhafi’s bedroom, and bullet in Bin Laden’s eye like Moe Green. Raising the question how many Muslims does a black guy have to kill in one weekend before crackers climb down off his ass? Let’s look at some facts. Now for you Fox News viewers feel free to turn down the sound until the flashing facts light at the bottom of your screen disappears.”

White Supremacist Shot by Ten Year Old Son

This story gets crazier by the day.  This “up and coming” Nazi (there’s nothing “neo” about them) in southern California gave his child his own gun.  Within 24 hours that son had killed his father with it.  I cannot imagine someone filled with so much hate or vitriol being a good father to anyone, but this is where the story gets really outrageous.  While I don’t know the condition of the mother of this boy, or how many of the five children in the house were from Nazi Jeff Hall’s first wife, at one point in time some judge, presumably in the family court system, awarded custody to this openly racist, race-baiting trash of a father!! I’m all for father’s getting fair treatment when it comes to determining the best interest of the child, as I was fortunate enough to have primary custody of my daughter throughout her rearing, but I can’t help but be reminded of the case in Florida where the woman lost custody of her daughter for being lesbian to her ex-husband, who was convicted of murder and child molestation!

More DADT Drama!

Now that the military’s sad DADT policy has been stricken, they decided just now that they will not allow gay weddings on military bases.  This is a ruse.  The Repubs are looking for anything incendiary that they can talk about on CSPAN and Fox “News” sound bites.  Shouldn’t the more important question be:  “Why are ANY marriages allowed on base?”  As a purportedly liberal taxpayer, why should the facilities of the military be used to celebrate “holy” unions between opposite sex couples OR same sex couples?!

Nuke the Whales! Tsunami and Earthquake Aftermath…

“Nuke the Whales” is an attention-grabbing bumper sticker that my dad had at home (he wouldn’t dare put it on his car) because he found it to be so ironic.  He loved pumper stickers.  I’ve been meaning to chime in about the devastation caused by Mother Nature in Japan.  I’ve shed many tears watching so much of the footage.  I know more people died in the Indian Ocean calamity a few years ago, but I don’t think there was nearly as much footage or visible understanding of the death toll (the numbers were mind boggling) and the shoreline damage.

It’s amazing to me how the politics in Japan have sought to blame the privately-owned power company that owned the nuclear plants and the executives and their families in particular who cared more about profit (which is what private companies do by definition) than safety and contingencies such as this.  I don’t think death threats are warranted, but there have been many because of the sheer frustration and lack of accountability.  I don’t think there should be any protest by the entities to the power utilities becoming government-run going forward, so that the safety of Japan’s people is put before everyone.  It still remains to be seen just how much death and illness will result from the radioactive fallout, but my heart goes out to the people and entire families that were simply washed away to their deaths.

It’s unimaginable, but I’m very happy to see many countries come to Japan’s aid, just as we came to Haiti’s aid.  Last night I spoke to my friend who works for the Red Cross about the challenges to helping these countries in the crisis periods and he said that they have people on the ground, but at times like this while the best thing they can do is channel money to the areas.  I know Japan is probably the most high-tech country in the world, but with their electricity output seriously compromised, there is still a “need” for other countries to gather resources and concentrate on the immediate crises at hand.

Chaos in Libya

I’m in uncontrollable tears after watching some of the news about Libya today.  I just watched on the news children in bandages in smaller cities of Libya with shrapnel in their heads and limbs!  Who knows how many were killed instantly?  What do these kids know about what’s going on?  Most of them didn’t even look ten years old, and here they are wanting to play and smile for the camera, through their injuries!  To add insult to injury, medical supplies can barely get to them (thank you to Italy and Germany for going through the ship blockades).  And what about the thousands of non-Libyan refugees who are surviving on nothing near the ports waiting to get the hell out o there?  These people in these towns that are vacillating between rebel and Quadafy forces are the worst victims.

Too bad if it seems “imperial” that we are interested in doing more than helping with the no fly zone to save lives of our fellow humans, especially the innocents.  Apparently it’s not enough to stop the bloodshed and I don’t give a fuck about the deficit!  If NATO cannot remedy the situation, then more American involvement is perfectly okay with me!  The money and power in Libya is still on the side of an insane, decrepit dictator and his blond bombshell prostitute body guards from Eastern Europe.

I can’t believe that there are people (extreme left and extreme right) who are drawing comparisons to our involvement in Libya with Iraq and Afghanistan.  Perhaps some are people more liberal than me (it could happen!) who are hippies who don’t believe in “war” under any circumstances but this is a rescue mission!  Conservative pundits who are looking for ways to criticize Obama, without any regard for the suffering he is trying to avoid by helping the rebels.

Have these American critics on both side of the aisle forgotten their recent history? Afghanistan’s extreme sharia former government was sanctioning Al Queda training camps so we had a legitimate interest in stopping that from happening after our country was attacked.  I witnessed the demolition of two outstanding towers in downtown Manhattan.  That wasn’t even a war against the Afghani people themselves, the majority of which I doubt had any knowledge of what had transpired.

Iraq was completely bogus and an attempt at Bush Jr. to save his father’s purportedly good name.

The true comparison is like the former Yugoslavia and President Clinton having us go in there, NOT for economic interests, but to avoid genocide!

RIP Geraldine Ferraro

My mother and I have a good memory of her speaking at my college graduation on Staten Island, New York in 1993.

She was an interesting character with lots of inspirational words for the large graduating class.  Her choice for the commencement speaker was a surprise to me since Staten Island is pretty conservative for being inside of New York City.

I don’t understand the details of the controversies over Palin and Obama with her, I’ll let her rest in peace and keep the fond memories I had of her.

Iran is still ready to stone a woman to death…

As if the bogus election that was stolen there wasn’t bad enough, there is still a possibility that concocted charges against a woman for alleged adultery may end in her brutal death by stoning.  Coincidentally there is an eerily similar movie coming out about another Iranian woman who was killed this way, but the reality of these killings — which of course also can be concocted against men for alleged gay sex — is far more brutal than even the depiction in the movie.  What kind of world do we live in?  The lawyer defending the woman also had to flee the country and now his wife is being held in prison!  This is complete anarchy, as far as I’m concerned, and very Draconian.  This is why the modernization of Iran is held back by religion, just as it is in Italy, to a lesser extreme.

Dispelling the Suspected Right Wing Spies Among Us

A friend of mine was saying that a mutual acquaintance of ours who is very active in the gay community made some “decisions” that sometimes amazed him.  Based on this acquaintance’s profile, he concluded that, like my friend’s step-mother, our acquaintance was a Sarah Palin supporter. Perplexed, I went to the acquaintance’s profile and clicked on the “Sarah Palin” link to discover that 37 of MY friends are supposedly “fans”.  I looked carefully to make sure that it wasn’t a spoof page. After all, the woman is a caricature of herself, but it was indeed her official page. It was incredulous to me that some of these very outspoken, far left individuals, who make me look moderate, were supporters. Then I realized that without independently confirming the reason for their linking to this political page, it was not fair to assume that they were truly fans.  Indeed, as a polisci major, I often watch FOX “News” to see what my enemies are formulating, even if it is very difficult to take seriously and stomach.

Looking through the 37 people I know (and I doubt I even know that many gay Republicans) and other friends of theirs who were linked to the page, I saw men with shirtless pictures and others with slutty, made-up sexual names, so I really doubt that these activist, extreme liberal individuals had anything but disdain for the woman, and probably just wanted to engage in watching the slow train wreck that is her life.  One of them even publishes a smut magazine.

I agree in general that there are some unfortunate surprises when one discusses ideology even among gay men, but San Francisco resident, homosexually married, poly slores are generally not among them, to my relief.

Freaky Laura Schlessinger still has a show?

What kind of morons would want her advice?  Doesn’t anybody remember the outrageous and ridiculously out of date opinions this woman has?  She’s worse than Rush Limbaugh in many respects because she’s actually formally educated (he is not) and she uses religion to tout her hatred.  This scandal has gotten her name back in the news, so she got her way again.

Reportedly, after discussing and using the word “nigger” numerous times with a black woman who called her show distraught over racism in her own home, Laura told the woman that she should not be married to a white man inter-racially if she “didn’t have a sense of humor about race”!  As a white man who was married to a black woman who I was with for 11 years, I don’t think flippantly using highly offensive words as jokes makes it easier.  Would it be okay if Laura’s gentile friends and loved ones go around saying “kike this” or “Heeb that” to her or used “jew” as a verb?  Words like “nigger” were not acceptable during the course of my relationship or at any time in my life, thankfully.  I never even considered using it in any context.  I don’t accept anyone else in my family using it, even if they are black or mixed-race like my daughter.

The only laughter that I ever had about race that I can recall was when I would ask my ex-wife to do something for me and she would look at me and say, “Do I look like a slave?” or when I was dating a black guy and I went to a 50’s diner with my daughter and him and joked that we shouldn’t be sitting in the same area (as per the MadTV skit).