So Arizona’s appointed governor is flanked very closely by people who are currently married to or formerly themselves lobbying for the private prison industry in that state, which would benefit greatly from the incarceration of people who cross the border from Mexico. Coincidence!?!? Now we know the impetus for the racist immigration law!
Bear with me a minute here. I’m getting flashbacks of Cheney and Haliburton.
These same private prisons in Arizona routinely and recently have had escapees, at least one of whom is still at large as of this writing!
I understand that the people who proposed this bill would say it applies to all foreigners, but what does a Canadian border crosser look like? How many Irishmen jump the border into Arizona? Do they really maintain that there is a perfect balance of ethnicities among the illegal immigrants in a border states? It’s racist and violates the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, as a federal judge recently found.I have never heard of a Canadian coming to this country illegally (let alone to a southwestern state bordering Mexico) to subject himself to pay for the medical care he would get for free in his own country, and which is actually higher quality in many instances than our own (lower child mortality rate to start with). The racial profile issue was controversial because Latino people would be targeted and more suspect, even if they were tenth generation Arizonan and even if their families were there before we stole the southwest from Mexico.
The governess specifically speaks about the border with another country and the supposed crime that it facilitates, when there has been nothing but a steady decrease in crime over the past several years in AZ and a decrease in border crossings because the demand has dissipated due to the crappy economy that the party of this governor has burdened us with. She is trying to claim that the feds are doing a worse job at their responsibility with border patrolling. There is no logical association between the urgency that she has to scare white people with this supposed invasion except to make her private prison-representing friends who detain (not repatriate) borders crossers richer. Just the fact that the ran from the reporter when confronted about this blatant conflict of interest that she failed to disclose speaks volumes.