Category Archives: Tobacco

I lost my friend Curtis Stanton to cancer

I just found out today that after years of struggling, at 39, Curtis died of cancer.  We had literally been online friends since at least 2003, and we had run into each other at various events around the country over the years.  In fact, it was (and will be) odd to be any major event that bears attend and not see Curtis with his joyous life force.  Embedded in this post is a picture of us in 2010 in Phoenix for Phurfest on Luau night.  Despite having gone to Hawaii twice myself, this was the most authentic and magical Hawaiian traditional event I had ever attended.

Curtis was a genuinely fun guy and  outrageously funny Sister of Perpetual Indulgence.  I was very honored that he spent so much time with me when we saw each other.

I’d like to send a personal “FUCK YOU” to the tobacco industry ( RJR and Phillip Morris aka “Altria”, et al.) for taking away another young life way before his time.  FUCK YOU for addicting the children of the world to your poison.   FUCK YOU  for lobbying governments to get your insidious product mass distributed and into venues where young victims start becoming your new (short) lifelong customers.