Category Archives: Art

Palm Springs with Shando

We had a good time enjoying the consistently 90-degree-plus weather for a long weekend.  It was my first time flying into the PS airport.  My good friend George, with the two schipperkes pictured below, let us borrow his car and I crashed at his lovely home one night while Shando was still at his work retreat.  George, Shando, and I are pictured in a booth at Lulu’s Restaurant.  Lucille Ball made an appearance in our album, too.

Attended See All About It – Vivian Maier’s Newspaper Portraits

My daughter, who lives in Berkeley, and I were invited by my friend, a son of the late philanthropists, to see this exhibit and attend this event.  We heard from two biographers of Vivian Maier who know about this story of her posthumous fame, mostly through the internet.  She died in 2009 and only now are we appreciating what a prolific and talented photographer she was, despite what many would consider a rather unremarkable life that she led.  This was presented by the Reva and David Logan Gallery of Documentary Photography at the UC Berkeley School of Journalism.


History Repeating

I may have had too much coffee this morning. I just rearranged all the art in my house, and moved a lot of the stuff I had leaning against the walls in the garage into the house or backyard perhaps to cheer myself up or just change the scenery around here a bit. I have always thought that a house feels more like a home with blank spots covered with something interesting and hopefully thought-provoking, and something that has sentimental value or nostalgia (like NYC pictures after lamenting about the 9/11 days that I lived through with particular thought to the new footage and documentaries I just watched). I think I have one of those conditions that makes people rearrange furniture now and then, but I don’t think it’s something I need a twelve step program for. 🙂