Antonella’s House
Marisa’s House
Rossana’s House
Driving Around Calabria and back and forth to Naples.
English and Italian below.
I am an American citizen who is eligible for Italian citizenship. My siblings and I inherited our mother’s home in Calabria from my beloved mother GIUSEPPINA BENENATI HAYDEN. She had a Will in the United States she unintentionally left her Sister, SILVANA BENENATI TASSONE, as the residuary heir. My mother had used a computer program in 2002 to create her Will and didn’t allow me, as a lawyer educated son of hers in New York at the time, that she omit her sister’s name. My mother thought that only if her children predeceased her (she always worried that the big earthquake in California would kill us all) then her sister could be trusted to take the estate and distribute among all the siblings in Italy (my mother was the first of nine). We now see how misguided her trust was.
Sono un cittadino americano idoneo alla cittadinanza italiana. Io e i miei fratelli abbiamo ereditato la casa di nostra madre in Calabria dalla mia amata madre GIUSEPPINA BENENATI HAYDEN. Aveva un testamento negli Stati Uniti e lasciò involontariamente sua sorella, SILVANA BENENATI TASSONE, come erede della residenza. Mia madre aveva usato un programma per computer nel 2002 per creare la sua volontà e non mi permetteva, come suo avvocato, che aveva studiato suo figlio a New York all’epoca, di omettere il nome di sua sorella. Mia madre pensava che solo se i suoi figli l’avessero preceduta (si è sempre preoccupata che il grande terremoto in California ci uccidesse tutti), allora sua sorella poteva fidarsi di prendere la tenuta e distribuirla tra tutti i fratelli in Italia (mia madre era la prima di nove). Ora vediamo quanto fosse sbagliata la sua fiducia.
My mother unintentionally only left her children explicitly her personal belongings. Unfortunately with the legal jargon she did not understand, all of the cash and the home in California was determined to go to her sister based on the face of the Will. This was further complicated by the fact that her house had suffered a fire and so her home was under repair when weeks later she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, which she only survived with for a few more months. After the fire and until her death, she had moved in with me, as well as my brother and nephew, who were all residents of the home that had become uninhabitable. That doesn’t seem like the kind of woman who wanted to disinherit me.
Mia madre ha lasciato involontariamente i suoi figli solo esplicitamente i suoi effetti personali. Sfortunatamente, con il gergo legale che non capiva, tutti i soldi e la casa in California erano determinati ad andare da sua sorella in base al volto della Volontà. Ciò è stato ulteriormente complicato dal fatto che la sua casa aveva subito un incendio e quindi la sua casa era in riparazione quando settimane dopo le fu diagnosticato un cancro terminale, con il quale sopravvisse solo per alcuni mesi. Dopo l’incendio e fino alla sua morte, si era trasferita con me, così come mio fratello e mio nipote, che erano tutti residenti della casa che erano diventati inabitabili. Non sembra il tipo di donna che voleva diseredarmi.
My siblings and I considered disputing this Will, but decided not to endure further pain prolonging this. We were, of course, disgusted and embarrassed with the portion of the family that would take advantage of an obvious error on my mother’s behalf. Further evidence of my mother inadvertently disinheriting us was that she explicitly made me the executor, and I have served as the executor of her estate for three years. The Court in California trusted me to handle all of the financial transactions and very recently that probate case has ended. Needless to say, this has torn our family in Italy apart. Silvana, who is fighting to take our inheritance, has estranged herself from many of her siblings and their kids, and even her own mother, my grandmother, who is 92 years old and even more mortified because of what I’m about to document. She reiterated today that she would testify against this aunt of mine (her own daughter) to validate the true intentions of my mother.
Io e i miei fratelli abbiamo considerato di contestare questa Volontà, ma abbiamo deciso di non sopportare ulteriore dolore prolungandolo. Ovviamente eravamo disgustati e imbarazzati dalla parte della famiglia che avrebbe approfittato di un evidente errore da parte di mia madre. Un’ulteriore prova di mia madre che ci ha inavvertitamente disintegrato è che mi ha esplicitamente nominato esecutore, e ho lavorato come esecutore della sua proprietà per tre anni. Il tribunale della California si è affidato a me per gestire tutte le transazioni finanziarie e molto recentemente il caso di successione è terminato. Inutile dire che questo ha fatto a pezzi la nostra famiglia in Italia. Silvana, che sta lottando per prendere la nostra eredità, si è allontanata da molti dei suoi fratelli e figli, e persino sua madre, mia nonna, che ha 92 anni e ancora più mortificata a causa di ciò che sto per documentare. Ha ribadito oggi che avrebbe testimoniato contro questa mia zia (sua figlia) per convalidare le vere intenzioni di mia madre.
While it would seem very clear under international law that the American Will has nothing to do with the property my mother owned in Calabria, Silvana, together with my lawyer cousin, her daughter, LUANA TASSONE JEMMA, has now claimed to take possession of the home that I was about to visit in early September 2019 in Italy. She and my aunt had prevented my siblings and me from selling the property while the case in California was pending, which I also thought was illegal, but now they are trying to extrapolate that the American Will of my mother applies in Italy. Every lawyer I’ve spoken to in Italy and the United States agrees this is an abuse of Italian law.
Mentre sembrerebbe molto chiaro in base al diritto internazionale che la volontà americana non ha nulla a che fare con la proprietà che mia madre possedeva in Calabria, Silvana, insieme a mia cugina di avvocato, sua figlia, LUANA TASSONE JEMMA, ha ora affermato di prendere possesso del casa che stavo per visitare all’inizio di settembre 2019. Avevano impedito a me e ai miei fratelli di vendere la proprietà mentre era pendente il caso in California, che pensavo fosse illegale, ma ora stanno cercando di estrapolare la volontà americana di mia madre fa domanda in Italia. Ogni avvocato con cui ho parlato in Italia e negli Stati Uniti concorda sul fatto che si tratta di un abuso della legge italiana.
I need help to immediately enjoin these people from illegally taking possession of the one asset that my mother did not inadvertently disinherit us from. Italian law is clear. That is not stopping the thievery of the Tassone family from trying to take this from us.
Ho bisogno di aiuto per imporre immediatamente a queste persone di impossessarsi illegalmente dell’unico bene da cui mia madre non ci ha inavvertitamente diseredato. La legge italiana è chiara. Ciò non impedisce al ladro della famiglia Tassone di provare a toglierci questo.
I ask any reasonable person if they think it is right for a sibling to take the inheritance away from all the offspring of their own flesh and blood? I do not believe there is any culture that condones this.
Chiedo a qualsiasi persona ragionevole se pensano che sia giusto che un fratello porti via l’eredità da tutta la progenie della propria carne e sangue? Non credo che ci sia cultura che lo condoni.
I call her “Zia” because she is very a part of my family and considered one of my mother’s sisters. Carla is also from Catanzaro and like my mom, she married an American Coast Guard man named Bill and had two sons (my mom had two sons and a daughter), and moved around with their husbands, both ending up in the Bay Area. Fortunately, Zia Carla and her husband were also living in southern California when I was born. I’m lucky enough to have her in my life as my godmother. I wish her a speedy recovery from her recent fall!
I hadn’t seen my dad’s cousin Kathleen in years and was recently connected with some of her nieces and sister through and online with Facebook, so it was about time to visit her and see her, which was such a joy. Not only is Monterey a beautiful place to visit, but it’s also nice to know my dad is from such a place where he still has relatives that remember him fondly.
Today makes two years since Mom died. I think she would have been very happy that a lot of her plants and clippings are thriving in my backyard, some of them in the very ceramic holders that she created in her own kiln.
For the second year in a row we went back for the Nelson Family Reunion, which is Shando’s mom’s side. We also visited his family on his father’s side in nearby Oceola, and his college friends in the Cleveland area. His good friend Diana had a dachshund that reminded us of Tucker and Bella.
We had a small Darby family reunion on Father’s Day.
Shando’s brother Jeff took Shando, their sister Joy and me on a typical cart ride around the brother’s neighborhood, something he does most days with his dog.