Category Archives: VGN Vallejo Gay Network

Vallejo Gay Network March Potluck

Monty and Frankie hosted since I was not able to this March due to the fire. They have an amazing house with a super-comfortable couch and it was Saint Patrick’s Day themed.

July 2024 Update: Shea is in the video and a few of the pictures! 🙂

Other people took pictures, and look who is rubbing elbows and beards in these pictures! I think these are literally the first pictures taken of Shea and me together:

Other pictures taken by others that day:

January 2024 Vallejo Gay Network Potluck

It was very difficult to imagine attending this, but I was implored to do so. The community was wonderful to me and it was a good chance to see a lot of friends only three days after the worst day of my life. My ex had flown back for a few days to help me out and to ensure that I was not left alone in the early days, so it was somewhat awkward to explain he had moved away nine days before the fire.