Our coxswain asked for name suggestions for the men’s team, so I’m still floating “TestoteROWS.” Why not?
This morning’s excitement was when the Army Corp of Engineers military-style catamaran zig-zagged up to us and asked if we in the WHALEboat saw a dead whale floating around. The irony!
It was interesting to get pictures of the bluffs over which Shando and I just hiked the night before to see the sunset. It certainly gives one perspective.
More kayaking with the dogs, although it was the first time the giraffes were not in view. For those who are interested in kayaking at Dan Foley Park’s Lake Chabot here in Vallejo (there is another Lake Chabot in Castro Valley, where I used to live), the Six Flags giraffes are almost always eating when we kayak past them. Cappy and Polar were probably bored again, but they are now used to being on the kayak with me and getting water dripped on them while we enjoy the fresh air and vistas from the water.
We saw another porpoise this evening when we rowed, but I didn’t have my camera ready at that time. I still got some nice shots of the gloaming. The last two pictures were courtesy of fellow rower Darren.
Go Solano Rowing Club (SRC)! We are one of the whaleboat rowing clubs in Vallejo, which rows out of the amazing Glen Cove Marina, which is right down the hill from where Shando and I live. I’m going to miss the evening weekday rows until next year since the daylight hours are shortening. However, we do row on weekends year-round.
Some of these were taken from the second whaleboat of SRC, but I’m in the boat that pictures that are the subject of the photos. Having both out concurrently doesn’t happen too often, so that is a treat.