Category Archives: Pets

Dogs Yard and Neighborhood Walk

I swear these dogs posed in the window without prompting from me:

We took another direction in our neighborhood walk today and got to see some perspectives we had never seen before. Left together on the tandem leash the fosters were great. Blind Bonnie follows my voice very well without much issue, and Snoopy is excellent at responding to his name now off leash. It is a big open field far enough from any roads that we didn’t have to worry about them getting into anything dangerous.

My plan worked! The foster dogs Calvin & Hobbes got a lot of their energy out and collapsed into a nap, especially after eating dinner.

MLK Jr. Holiday 65 Degrees in January

Spending some extended time in the sun today was good to get my mind off the shit show in DC. I was able to use my day off to work on plants and outdoor decor. I know the dogs appreciated the sun and warm outdoor furniture with me.

There’s a lot going on in this video. I was in the garden with the dogs today as we had 65-degree (F) weather in January! I’m proud of this globe I painted, which is on a solar spinner. It survived the fire and was previously located at “ground zero” where the fire reportedly began. Still no explanation except “electrical anomaly.”

By the way, that is NOT poop that Hobbes is chewing on. It’s pineapple or bark.

I worked on my plants, thinking about what I’ll do with them and the outdoor decor from this rental when I move back home in a few months. I think about the move back all my waking hours at this juncture.

I put together a very utilitarian table out of repurposed, broken parts, which I’m very proud of. I love practical furniture.

The dogs bring me such joy, as does the sun.

Enjoying the warm weather with the dogs and Shea and appreciating what a great man this holiday is in honor of. I’m not watching the travesty in DC and do not want anything to do with people who are normalizing it. I pity this country and rejoice that I can pursue my EU citizenship, even though I’ll stay and still do what I can, more on the local level in the foreseeable future, to make life better even for those innumerable fools who vote against their best interests.

I will actively seek to disconnect from fascists and I will also make it quite clear that they are no longer in my life, especially the ones I’m not related to and have no reason to stay connected to. There are enough toxic people in the world already that I have to deal with, and the political ramifications of their existence and corruption.

Bonnie and Calvin evening wrestle. This is why most people can’t believe Bonnie is completely blind. For those who don’t know, her eyes were surgically removed to reduce pain after she went completely blind in August.

Animal Shelter Beneficiary of Vallejo Waterfront Weekend Event

Thank you to the Vallejo Waterfront Weekend (a yearly weekend event every October) for their big check to Humane Society of the North Bay. Some of us board members went there to receive it. It took place at Suite Treatments here in Vallejo.

Nelson, the Jack Russell, is Jackie’s dog. She runs the event and owns the venue we were in. Honey Bear, the brown dog, is available for adoption. He came with his foster mom Mei.

Bay Woof and Tobacco Iconography

As someone who was featured with my own story in Bay Woof last month, I’ve been very excited to find out more about it, particularly as a board member of several years of one of the Bay Area’s animal shelters.  I reviewed January’s issue today only to discover that there is a section called “Mr. Smarty Pants Knows” on dog behavior.

  1. Even if R.U. Steinberg (the author) is a genius, why the hell does there have to be a cartoon depiction of him smoking a PIPE as the logo?  Cartoons generally attract youth.  What message does that give to readers, and why is it ever appropriate to stick tobacco into the mouth of a “smart person,” especially in 2025?  Is cancer smart?  This is the kind of normalization and marketing Big Tobacco just LOVES getting for free.
  2. Does Bay Woof not realize how harmful smoke is to our pets?

I urge Bay Woof to reconsider why you are perpetuating smoking tobacco as a positive and “smart” thing to do for someone adopting such a moniker, with an academic cap no less. 

These images are courtesy of LGBTQMinusTobacco: