There’s no taking a nap with this dog… until he’s tired enough!
What a character!
There’s no taking a nap with this dog… until he’s tired enough!
What a character!
Called “Going Country for Cats and Canines” we had a fabulous evening of charity and fun at the Empress Theatre in downtown Vallejo. There were almost 200 folks there based on attendees, staff, and volunteers. It was a lot of work but for such a great cause. Don’t forget to donate, especially as a sustaining donor (giving monthly). The link is here!
In the video there is line dancing, live music,
Snoopy “Side-eye” I think will be his nickname, as this is the second shady side-eye picture I took of him recently. He may look different in this one I groomed him recently (a new chore I’ve taken on). This highlights his brown undercoat spots.
Here is a recent unscripted side-eye from Dolores Park:
I enjoy kayaking in Lake Chabot here in Vallejo every time, but I think the dogs are kind of bored. They probably equate being on the kayak to being in the car. They see it as a mode of transportation and are eager to arrive when we get back to docking. Sometimes they just lay down in the kayak and aren’t interested in looking at the water much. They certainly don’t seem to sense the GIRAFFES that we see each time as they eat in their Six Flags park enclosures that are visible from the lake.
After the picnic in San Francisco, we decided to go down to one of our favorite dog-friendly beaches, Montara. Amazingly we found great parking in both SF and at the beach (with a little patience). It was the first time we’ve taken Snoopy and Polar to the Coast and I was particularly proud of how well Snoopy minded, since he had been quite a runner when we first got him and before he was neutered.
All good news for our most senior dog, Timber, who we always thought resembled the famous Grumpy Cat meme. We took her on from distant relatives when she was already a senior of double digits. She survived cancer about six years ago without more than surgery on her leg to remove a large tumor. She is still going strong and soon will officially be 18.5 years old. She still gets lots of exercise daily wandering the backyard and house, going up steps, has a great appetite, and despite her not doing it on cue in the video, she gives me kisses all the time.