Category Archives: Pets

In Memoriam of Peanut Hayden fka Koa

We only had Peanut for about five months. He came to us as a foster in January at age 13 as his previous family moved away and said they could not take him. We determined there was something wrong with his health, which perhaps the family who had abandoned him was aware of. We took him for X-rays, but what it ultimately turned out to be was advanced kidney failure. After several months of his only being slightly unbalanced with his equilibrium, he deteriorated and could not gain weight. We tried to get encourage his appetite in so many ways, but his poor little body just wasn’t cooperating.

Peanut was super affectionate and bonded with me very quickly. As a chihuahua-dachshund mix, he did remind me of my Tucker. We knew almost immediately that he would not just be a foster once I saw that handsome face and his attentive eyes. I know he felt loved. He very rarely barked, but he had a very deep voice when he did. He loved car rides and being near me. He loved meeting new dogs and would shadow them until the novelty wore off. I’m so glad we had him in our family, even if it was for just a short period.

Disjointed Montage:

March 2022 Our Dogs, including Bocce Ball

This includes the last pictures of Bella, sadly.

Foster Dinky with her mouth tumor is also featured here:

Pictured with Monte is our friend, former housemate and dogsitter John who watched our dogs while we went down to Palm Springs again. He took some great pictures of the gang.

This was Snowball and Peanut’s first trip to the Bocce Ball with Vallejo Gay Network, but all five dogs enjoyed the attention and outdoor trip.

The other pictures are of our dogs at home and include some guest dogs that were in the pictures with us and our own dogs and fosters.

Bella Darby Hayden, R.I.P.

Bella was approaching her 16th birthday. We lost her father Tucker last year as he was approaching his own 16th. Shando had the father and daughter team of Isabella Dachshunds with his ex since they were puppies, so her death brought the end of an era. They probably never dreamed they would join a household with two Yorkies and then eventually a PomChi.

Bella and Tucker had been living with Shando’s ex in the Sacramento area for three years when Shando and I got together in 2014. Shortly thereafter they joined our household permanently. We’re happy they lived long canine lives and got to travel a lot with us.

Bella was quite frail as a senior with her continued weight loss because she had been overweight much of her adult life. At first we hoped the weight loss she had foretold of more longevity than her father, who was really overweight until he died. The last few days we just could not get her to eat or drink, even though we could tell she wanted to.

She was particularly protective and close with Shando, while Tucker was my “side-arm” and flank for years. Often when people would reach to hug Shando if Bella was in her arms, she’d go into fight mode, so she definitely had cranky moments and a few fights with our female Yorkie Capulet over the years. Bella was also an incredible mouser and general hunter of rodents, as makes sense with the breeding of doxies.

Make sure to check out some of the videos and pictures of her, especially her passion for chasing waves at the beach. She was always in the “zone” and would not focus on anything else when she was there.

Bella Dreams with Tongue

Bella the Beard-rubber

Post-Op Bella (dental and mole removal)

Bella Makes a run for it at Montara Beach

Tucker and Bella (Dad and Daughter)

Tucker and Bella’s first time at Point Isabel

Bella’s ashes join her father’s on our mantle.