Category Archives: Pets

Our Dogs and Us in January 2022

This clump is actually our Snowball (on the right) and a fluff of a guest dog on his right. I love it when our dogs find snuggle partners (especially when they meld together).

Here’s a picture of the above “guest fluff” after I pulled back the hair from his eyes:

Timber is the queen of naps in her plush, burgundy, microfiber.

This gallery represents a typical day “at the office” for me is looking at my far wall (which is Zoom background-ready) to see our dogs and the occasional guest dog like neighbor Sashi (white with brown spots) and the Vizsla named Zsofi, who we’ve known for years. Our dogs here include Yorkies Montague and Capulet, Isabella Dachshund named Bella, and PomChi Timber.

Hayden Dog Boarding Late December

Some of our guest dogs and us hanging out:

This is a combination of later December guest dog videos so forgive Shando saying in one of them that it’s not for customers/public viewing. He probably thought I didn’t want to be in the video when I was gardening, but that’s fine.

Just met today, but Chorizo and Zeus are FAST friends! I wonder if it was because they recognized a family resemblance?