I brought the dogs, who were exhausted, but I made sure that they had plenty of food and water. There were 47 bears who met and most of whom car pooled from the Safeway on Market Street in San Francisco. Some of us went to the San Rafael area afterwards for root beer floats at A&W.
Some of these pictures are mine and some are courtesy of the group album on Facebook.
Pictures Russian River/Guerneville, Armstrong Woods Forest, Bodega Bay Headlands and Bodega (where Hitchcock used the schoolhouse for “The Birds” even though it took place in Bodega Bay.
Pictures include my house, my Mom’s house, Twin Peaks, Skyline in Oakland (including the Mormon Temple), Castro, Chinatown, Civic Center, Golden Gate Bridge, San Gregorio (or Pescadero), Montera, etc.:
When I make my bed, this is where my lazy dogs have to resort to lounging if they want to keep comfortable in the meantime, since lush doggie beds are beneath them, I guess…