Everything seems to happen at once. Alex turned 18, we moved into a new place, she takes a road trip to Los Angeles; she’s graduating high school and getting her driver’s license within two months, etc.
Category Archives: Photos
Had lunch with my old friend Paolo De Nardo from Italy…
Easter 2010
Zio Pino was visiting from Italy. The holiday included an indoor Easter Egg Hunt on a rainy day:
New House Empty Interior
My friend Ed took these wonderful pictures.
Pictures on my walk home from Castro Valley BART station.
Alex’s amazing cooking!
The pasta sauce was made before we went really low-carb, but the point is that she was able to pretty much replicate my Mom’s homemade red sauce.
The second picture is of her purely vegetable and meat portabello bun sandwich.
Aaron’s sort of Going Away Tropical-Themed Party
My friend Aaron is going to Holland for an internship for his Ph.D. in chemistry so he had a going away party last weekend. There was great food, great music and a lot of fun people with a good mix of gay and hetero folks in San Leandro.
Some dancing (that I actually participated in)!