Shando selfies:
A puppy scratched me at the shelter! I hated to do it, but had to fill out a bunch of paperwork. I’m glad it wasn’t a bite!

Joe selfies without the scratch and showing some weight loss:

So cute!
We took our four most ambulatory dogs on a hike on Mare Island.
Previous to the hike we went to the art exhibit on Pintado Street which included very cool work from our friend Manny Furtado, who lives on Mare Island.
We happened to be there right after they had “wreathed” the military cemetery that is along the hike.
While we lived here last year, I regret I was too exhausted from the Photos with Santa in 2021 to participate. This year both Shando and I participated. We were highly impressed with the whole shebang. We intend to be even better prepared next year when there will hopefully not be as much rain. I’m glad we all muddled through though!
In a very poignant gesture, Santa Tom Bilbo put a big pink “Q” at the back of the float, which represented our solidarity with our brothers and sisters who were targeted for being LGBTQ (as all of this float’s participants were in that category or an ally). It is also a symbol against gun violence and assault weapons being available for civilians, to paraphrase Tom when being interviewed for Vallejo Times Herald.
As a Board member and current Board Secretary of the Humane Society of the North Bay, I table a lot of events. This one was well-documented. We had a lot of great volunteers there and it was a well-attended event. It was only the second year, too!
I was honored to be one of the citizens asking a question (in my case on behalf of LGBTQ Minus Tobacco) at the September 28, 2022 Vallejo City Council District 5 Candidate Forum that was put up by Leachman Park Neighborhood Association.
This also happened to be just a few days after the Black Live Matters mural was painted on the road in front of City Hall. I did my best to take it from the conference room that I was in, but the drone shots are of course much better.
Even though this wasn’t my district, I was happy to be there to participate since I’ve been in front of City Council a number of times, and I’ll very likely be in front of whoever wins this seat in the future. I already knew four of the five candidates from one venue or another.
…with Monte & Cappy. We figured these were our three dogs most likely to appreciate it. We have a 17-year-old Pom-chi (Timber) who is a little frail who we bring out sometimes, but the beachhead is a little rough for her. Our other dog is blind and generally uncomfortably nervous whenever he gets in a car for some reason that I suspect has to do with his previous guardians.
Polar’s hair is still growing in, but he minded pretty well and he certainly loves car rides. He’ll be going out with us regularly I’m sure. He’s also not deaf like Monte, so he’s a little easier to communicate with, although Monte minds pretty well regardless.
I’ve been rowing with the Solano Rowing Club for some time now. This is some footage during low tide while I was waiting for the whaleboat to return. It’s great exercise and I’ve learned a lot. I feel a draw to the water that has been on both sides of my family for generations.
Sagi & Ido, our friends from Seattle (originally Tel Aviv) who we met (of all places) in Iceland, were in town for my birthday weekend, so it worked out well that they could join us for a road trip. We had a terrific day going around the North Bay, where Shando and I were so glad to buy a home and move to a few years ago. So much of what we love in the Bay Area is in this area they call the Wine Country, even though we don’t drink!
Our first stop was at my favorite winery, Viansa, which has lots of delectable food and fantastic views. This is something that I had done with my mom and it reminds me so much of Italy. Their winery is up on a little hill and usually it’s overcast when I go there. However, today the air was crystal clear and the weather was just perfect.
Later we went to Bodega Bay where it was colder and windier than usual. It isn’t always overcast, but the views were still stunning, and our guests enjoyed it. This was the first time I ever walked down to the beach there. Shando shot the first of this footage from up on the cliff.
While we will be in Ohio for San Francisco Gay Pride, fortunately there are plenty of pride events happening in Solano County.
We also attended the Pride Picnic for the second year in a row on Mare Island put on by Solano Pride and Vallejo Gay Network.