Alex, Josh and I visited California and went to Monterey with mom, who treated us to tickets for Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Category Archives: Travel
Daughter and I visit Rancks in Dallas
Lee took Alex for a ride on his motorcycle:
August 2006 Vacation
I brought Josh to Italy. We stopped in a few cities before meeting family in Calabria to meet up with my daughter, who spent six weeks there.
Alex on the beach with the Italian teenagers playing volleyball:
Josh and me in Florence (Firenze):
Josh and me in Venezia (Venice):
Extended visit in Calabria with family:
July 2006 Daughter with Italian Family
Birthday celebrations:
California Visit January 2006
Spain with Alex and Tony Perri
We stayed at our friends’ home in Barcelona, Spain.
Minneapolis Gay Parenting Conference
1996 Chicago Bear Pride
Memorial Day Weekend with my first partner, who dragged me kicking and screaming, but for which I thanked him later.