Were they expecting unmanned balloon to come down like Canadian geese in plane engine?
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Balloon kid reminds me of barn kid in 12 Monkeys.
I guess I slept through the Sunol earthquake last night.
Someone said he won’t cruise FB;but w/men cruising from their deathbeds,why would it be off limits?
Lazybear Weekend in Gville is cancelled? The site doesn’t explain why so I’m at a loss
trupa.com/ivan – new content on page for cousin who recently died of osteosarcoma
Daughter got a fantastic report card!
Name tune:Wet is rain,rain is clean+blue,blue is for sad+sad is for crying,tears are wet too
Not a good idea to grocery shop when hungry.
Had a crepes soiree at work and now going to hang out in East Bay.