Category Archives: Uncategorized

Iran is still ready to stone a woman to death…

As if the bogus election that was stolen there wasn’t bad enough, there is still a possibility that concocted charges against a woman for alleged adultery may end in her brutal death by stoning.  Coincidentally there is an eerily similar movie coming out about another Iranian woman who was killed this way, but the reality of these killings — which of course also can be concocted against men for alleged gay sex — is far more brutal than even the depiction in the movie.  What kind of world do we live in?  The lawyer defending the woman also had to flee the country and now his wife is being held in prison!  This is complete anarchy, as far as I’m concerned, and very Draconian.  This is why the modernization of Iran is held back by religion, just as it is in Italy, to a lesser extreme.

Why is there any debate left on DADT?

When did people start forgetting the United States President is the de facto Commander-in-Chief of the military?!  That is clearly stated in the Constitution and it has worked to prevent us from having coups in this country.  Countries with coups have an army “independent” of the executive branch.  Obama said repeal DADT!  End of discussion! This should have been handled 17 years ago, but hypocrites like McCain who said he would follow “military leadership” (as if Bill Clinton himself wasn’t the Commander-in-Chief) reneged even when people like Colin Powell have changed their minds.

I know at least three active duty servicemen who I keep in regular contact with who are very comfortable with the fact that they are gay, even though it is not discussed where they work.  I don’t think they are particularly afraid of losing their jobs, but it sure would be a lot less stressful ON THE BATTLEFIELD if they didn’t have to worry about their own colleagues turning their backs on them.

Got my h1n1 vaccine at work today!

Ironically I didn’t take the regular flu shot earlier in the winter that my job offered, and I ended up trying to get it at my regular doctor’s office, but they were out of it!  I’m not sure if it will even be worth taking it a month from now, but fortunately I’ve not been ill this year.  I just need to get my blood sugar under control, because my blood pressure and cholesterol are really good now.  Losing weight is part of the goal, so I’m taking some prescription and over the counter appetite suppressants.  I’m also eating a lot more from home, but probably not getting any exercise as of late.

Today of all days

Had a perilous commute into work today (usually, of course, I take the train).  I was trying to get to work two hours early for a special project, but didn’t make it until one hour later than expected because of traffic, but what made it so treacherous was that it was still very dark at that hour (which was not helped by the cloud cover), there was an intense rain storm and while I was defrosting the windows, the driver’s side windshield wiper completely stopped working right before entering highway.  I pulled over and the wiper portion basically came right off, but the arm had stopped moving anyway.  I had to sit in a precarious position to see the road and changing lanes was scary.  It was almost a blessing that traffic came to a standstill far sooner than usual because of the backup at the bridge, but then of course there were high winds and the problematic S-curve which is currently on the Bay Bridge during the reconstruction.  The garage attendant said all I had to do was pull up the windshield wiper from the passenger side and pop it in the driver’s side, but I don’t want to risk having no windshield at all when I drive home today!

Sick of Throwback fad already

I hope the kid/childhood photo fad as one’s primary picture on Facebooks ends damn soon; weirdos with no other public picture are trying to add me, and that’s just creepy and screams insecurity.  Like I don’t have enough time wasted by closeted people expecting me to spill my guts to them without having another excuse to avoid showing themselves accurately?  It’d be one thing if they had up-to-date pictures publicly posted as well, but I really don’t want to have to walk around with my phone ringing and texting from people who look like kids.  Someone’s going to think I’m a pedophile if they see me communicating with kid photos, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the whole thing was started by one!