Despite the tyranny of spam, these email addresses will work until I die.
Email from human beings is always appeciated and perfect for most communications. I receive my email on a handheld around the clock. If you found me on another site, I probably asked for your email address and sent you my contact information, which includes this web site. Going forward, I strongly prefer that you use my real email address instead of having to go back to a third party web site to see what you write me there. Don’t be surprised if I take your message from another site and put it in an email to reply to you. That way I also have a copy of both of our communications saved.
Email is especially appropriate from those who live far away without any plans to visit my area, and who don’t need to hear back from me imminently. I respond to everything that I receive, if warranted.
A distinct subject line to minimize chances of it being flagged as spam always help. Be creative with your subject, instead of just saying something like “hi”. I recommend proper nouns like your full name or “I saw your terrific Haydennet web site.”
I also highly recommend for my sanity and your easier recognition, that you make your email identifier CLEAR. Don’t make it “Dave”. Use “David Smith” so I know which Dave you are as I know thousands of Daves. I do not memorize your email monikers and people change those all the time without notice on a whim.
For technological/anti-spam purporses, my email addresses are shown here in graphic format without a link.
I recommend sending links in lieu of attachments whenever possible so that there is less chance of any mailboxes logjamming. In any event, please do not send attachments over one megabyte. We can transfer through a chat client if you want to send me larger files. Generally no more than three pictures at a time is recommended, especially if they are of high resolution (which I prefer).
These email addresses are not case-sensitive and I ask that you use these addresses if the above one is not working for some strange reason (in which case you could also call me as per my home page phone number):
Happy new Year and how are you and your wonderful and exciting body doing so far this new years.
Jim Staley
Ann Arbor, Michigan
thank you for birthday wish I enjoy the enthusiasm that others have it means alot to me. Things going well here I live near nyc I used to talk with you at the Dugout Bar I met you about 15 years ago. Hugs and kiss!!
Thanks for writing
ciso bello come stai???vorrei vederti in cam
I wish I could join you but I have the night shifts. I am never invited to parties until I went on the night shift. Thanks for the offer.
Merci Joseph de penser à moi , c’est gentil !!! Je te fais des bisous tout tout tout pleins !!!!