Niece Gymnastics at Mom’s house
Birthday Party for Joe’s 44th at His House
Birthday Dinner at Mom’s House with Family
Six Weeks Post-op – My 44th Birthday Present to Myself
Best birthday present was waking up unexpectedly to have reached fifty pound mark of weight loss since gastric sleeve.
Yesterday went shopping at thrift store for some “interim” size clothes and got some other things with my Mom. I try to weigh myself every couple of days, but this morning was truly a shock because I lost six pounds in just a few days, and it didn’t seem like I did all that much, although I did stay pretty active this past weekend.
Anderson Cooper is Gay!? As a matter of fact…
Thanks for coming out of the closet on my birthday, Anderson. Now it’s less of a big deal that I saw you and your boyfriend at Chat & Chew in Greenwich Village a few years ago when I was visiting my adoptive second home NYC (where, of course I lived during my 20’s and 30’s).