Chaos in Libya

I’m in uncontrollable tears after watching some of the news about Libya today.  I just watched on the news children in bandages in smaller cities of Libya with shrapnel in their heads and limbs!  Who knows how many were killed instantly?  What do these kids know about what’s going on?  Most of them didn’t even look ten years old, and here they are wanting to play and smile for the camera, through their injuries!  To add insult to injury, medical supplies can barely get to them (thank you to Italy and Germany for going through the ship blockades).  And what about the thousands of non-Libyan refugees who are surviving on nothing near the ports waiting to get the hell out o there?  These people in these towns that are vacillating between rebel and Quadafy forces are the worst victims.

Too bad if it seems “imperial” that we are interested in doing more than helping with the no fly zone to save lives of our fellow humans, especially the innocents.  Apparently it’s not enough to stop the bloodshed and I don’t give a fuck about the deficit!  If NATO cannot remedy the situation, then more American involvement is perfectly okay with me!  The money and power in Libya is still on the side of an insane, decrepit dictator and his blond bombshell prostitute body guards from Eastern Europe.

I can’t believe that there are people (extreme left and extreme right) who are drawing comparisons to our involvement in Libya with Iraq and Afghanistan.  Perhaps some are people more liberal than me (it could happen!) who are hippies who don’t believe in “war” under any circumstances but this is a rescue mission!  Conservative pundits who are looking for ways to criticize Obama, without any regard for the suffering he is trying to avoid by helping the rebels.

Have these American critics on both side of the aisle forgotten their recent history? Afghanistan’s extreme sharia former government was sanctioning Al Queda training camps so we had a legitimate interest in stopping that from happening after our country was attacked.  I witnessed the demolition of two outstanding towers in downtown Manhattan.  That wasn’t even a war against the Afghani people themselves, the majority of which I doubt had any knowledge of what had transpired.

Iraq was completely bogus and an attempt at Bush Jr. to save his father’s purportedly good name.

The true comparison is like the former Yugoslavia and President Clinton having us go in there, NOT for economic interests, but to avoid genocide!

RIP Geraldine Ferraro

My mother and I have a good memory of her speaking at my college graduation on Staten Island, New York in 1993.

She was an interesting character with lots of inspirational words for the large graduating class.  Her choice for the commencement speaker was a surprise to me since Staten Island is pretty conservative for being inside of New York City.

I don’t understand the details of the controversies over Palin and Obama with her, I’ll let her rest in peace and keep the fond memories I had of her.

Movies and shows I’ve been watching….

The latest episode of The Office was poignant enough to make me cry (the proposal scene).

Unique experience watching Metropolis, 1920’s sci-fi German, Marxist film restored last year to a length of 2.5 hours.

We watched Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner on Netflix and I was amazed at the countless scenes that I had never seen before!  Truly a movie before it’s time.

Watched The Bubble about a modern Arab-Israeli gay romance.  it was bittersweet, but enlightening.  I think they could have found far hotter men to portray the main characters.

We’ve been watch a lot of Keeping Up Appearances but I’ve complained to Netflix that many of the episodes look like they have tracking problems when you watch them through a PS3, which is how we watch all of our Netflix on the big screen.

Other series we watch regularly have been The Sarah Silverman Show and Strangers with Candy.

We could not get through Earth 2, the series, but we probably kept watching it longer than we would have because Tim Curry was in it for a while.

We watched the entire newer Battlestar Gallactica series but unfortunately the pilot movie and Caprica are not available through Netflix streaming (yet).

I watched the first several episodes of the new V still have the old series on VHS tape in my garage, believe it or not), but I’m behind in the latest episodes and hope to catch up, even if that means having to subscribe to Hulu Plus.


RIP Elizabeth Taylor

I think it made an unintentionally strong impression on my daughter when she was a little girl when I had long-argued with other people that Barbra Streisand was the most talented woman in the world, and Elizabeth Taylor was the most beautiful.  Of course it was not intended to take away from my obvious bias that my daughter is the most beautiful creature on the planet, but it probably hurt her feelings.  I found out through the grapevine that my daughter hated Liz for what I said, which reminded me of a scene between the father and daughter from What Dreams May Come.

My admiration for these two women for various reasons made the reposting of this article at this sad time apropos:

Streisand Remembers Her Friend Taylor

By Editors, Posted on March 23, 2011

Barbra Streisand calls the passing of her longtime friend Elizabeth Taylor “the end of an era.”

The two celebrated entertainers and outspoken activists were close friends for several decades and nearly costarred on Streisand’s 1996 film The Mirror Has Two Faces.

Streisand’s full statement: “It’s the end of an era. It wasn’t just her beauty or her stardom. It was her humanitarianism. She put a face on HIV/AIDS. She was funny. She was generous. She made her life count.”

Streisand and Bill Clinton

Barbra Streisand Presents President William Jefferson Clinton with Public Counsel’s William O. Douglas Award

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Repost from

In presenting Public Counsel’s William O. Douglas Award to President Clinton, Barbra Streisand made the following comments addressing the spirit of the award which is presented annually to the person “who best exemplifies the very highest ideals of human rights and equal justice for all.” Public Counsel has for forty years provided free legal assistance to those who need it most. The award was presented March 18 in Beverly Hills at a dinner which raised over $2.6 million for the organization’s pro bono efforts.

I’m here tonight because Public Counsel is celebrating 40 years of excellent work providing pro bono legal services to those who are most vulnerable. And I definitely couldn’t refuse an opportunity to speak about one of the most remarkable leaders of our generation, a great humanitarian—President Bill Clinton.

He entered the presidency in one of the most difficult times in our nation’s history. The country was in a recession, the end of the Cold War had brought new threats to our national security, and our welfare system was in shambles.

As President, he expanded prosperity until it reached every corner of our country. He came in and balanced the budget, paid down the national debt, reformed welfare, raised the minimum wage, made college more affordable, invested in health care for children, created 22 million new jobs, left his successor with an unprecedented surplus, preserved our national forests, lowered wasteful government spending and cleaned up the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.

Abroad, he brokered the Good Friday Peace Accord in Ireland and the Dayton Accord in Bosnia, ended ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, helped bring democracy to Haiti, and advanced peace initiatives in the Middle East.

While in the White House, President Clinton not only created opportunity for all Americans, but also encouraged all citizens to take responsibility to do their part. He relentlessly pursued policies based on these values, which resulted in concrete social progress and created a stronger America poised to take on the challenges of the 21st century.
It’s no wonder that President Clinton left the White House with the highest end-of-office approval rating of any U.S. president since World War II.

He wins the hearts of political foes with his charm and razor-sharp intellect. He can reduce a crowded room to just you and him with his warmth and charisma. And he is able to inspire others to dream his big dreams about what is possible for our country and the world.

There are some politicians who are visionaries and see the big picture and others who focus only on the details of implementing policy. Bill Clinton has the very rare ability to do both. These qualities, along with his insatiable intellectual curiosity and phenomenal memory, are among his greatest political assets.

More than ten years after leaving the Oval Office, no one on either side of the aisle denies that Bill Clinton continues to shape the world we live in. His leadership stresses unity over division, policy over party, and hope over fear. He raised the bar for what it means to be a public servant and set new benchmarks for what a private citizen can accomplish to make the world a better place. He also has more energy and travels more miles than anyone I know—aside from maybe his brilliant wife.

His Clinton Foundation is the fastest growing NGO in the world. He has worked tirelessly to provide HIV/AIDS medication to the people of Africa, help victims in Indonesia rebuild after the tsunami and Haitians begin the process of reconstruction after the devastating earthquake decimated their country’s infrastructure. When the media spotlight waned, Bill Clinton was still standing with these people, reminding them that they will not be forgotten.

I am so proud to have partnered with him on his mission to use cutting-edge technology and collective buying collaboratives to help ameliorate global climate change. Only his brilliant diplomatic skills could have succeeded in bringing me and Rupert Murdoch together to help launch the Clinton Climate Change Initiative.

He does all this, and still has time to travel to North Korea to help secure the release of American journalists Euna Lee & Laura Ling, who are here tonight.

The pictures of these two young women reuniting with their families after being held in a North Korean jail for months reminded the country (and the world) of the power of Clinton diplomacy.

My continued friendship with him and his family, remain profoundly meaningful to me. In 1993, I sang at his inauguration. It was one of the greatest highlights of my career and it was also the night I met his late mother, Virginia, who became a loving surrogate mother to me. From the moment we met we had an immediate connection. We talked almost every week on the phone until she passed away, and to this day, she remains one of the most positive and encouraging influences in my life.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. The son she produced is like her in many ways. Warm and compassionate, his laughter can lift the spirit of those around him. And like her, he is down to earth, great fun…and a hell of a card player.

I am inspired by the example that he sets for all of us, exhilarated by his ability to see what’s possible if we all rise to our greater selves, and encouraged by his dedication to help those most in need. Simply put…the world is a better place because President Bill Clinton is in it.

Ladies & gentlemen, please welcome this year’s recipient of the William O. Douglas Award, the 42nd President of the United States and my friend, President William Jefferson Clinton.

Bear Events!

We had a great time at (the last?) IBR last week, and now we’re all booked to go to Seattle for Spring Thaw in early April, during which time we plan to take a side trip to Vancouver, BC, which will be my first trip to Canada EVER!  We’ll be staying with close friends, and it should be a great experience.

Hello from Vallejo, California!