Made Phoenix plans for Spring!

I’m traveling to Phurfest and hoping to see friends and family in Arizona in late April/early May.  It’s a state I’ve never stepped foot in, to my knowledge, but which my family has a long history in, apparently.  I’ve seen a lot of relatives going back generations move and return to Arizona, and I know my dad lived there for a time as a kid. has helped prove the links I have to the area, but I’m also looking forward to some pool parties and dry heat, which is one of the reasons I moved back to the West Coast.

“Retard” Brouhaha is not what it seems…

Doubt the Palin clan knew actress portraying mentally retarded character on Family Guy has Downs Syndrome before they started lambasting it.  Before the Palins had a stage, the “Petarded” episode, where the main character was found to have a very low IQ, didn’t get much flack.  Apparently SOME of the letter that the actress wrote to the New York Times was published, but not the part that accused Sarah of carrying her son around “like a loaf of bread” for sympathy votes!

Judge Judy should be proud of her last name!

I think I like Judy Sheindlin (which is her husband’s last name, anyway) more when interviewed on Larry King than on her own, insipid show.  Sarah Silverman pointed out just this kind of self-hatred among people with ethnic names (in these cases Jewish) when she had a show within her show wherein they renamed her Sarah Saint Clair.  I’m always a little miffed when people drop anything that could be construed as ethnic to achieve what they perceive to be better mainstream popularity.  Indeed, when Sarah was on the View the other day, she was asked about her Jewishness by Joy Behar and Sarah said, “I can’t help it, it just oozes out of my pores.”

Hello from Vallejo, California!