Chipotle-flavored anything is like nectar, but I don’t remember it as a kid; was it discovered recently? Why did someone have to ruin it&tell me it’s a chili pepper? I don’t like any other kind.
I’m inspired by Lou Jing, a Chinese reality star who is half African-American & the lesson in racism she is hopefully teaching her largely homogeneous society.
Get yourself a copy of Miss Piggy’s “Santa Baby.” It’s my favorite version yet. Yes, I said Miss Piggy.
Tough on crime? Huckabee released 4-cop killer&Dumbya released 2 Gitmo detainees responsible for underwear bomber almost killing 300+ xmas day!
Italian Depictions
I broke down from sheer pride as an educated Italian when I visited the Uffizi in Florence ; now we have Jersey Shore&mafia-centric entertainment? I never related to this garbage.
So Gingrich had 3 marriages while denying his lesbian sister an opportunity to have one? Oh, sorry, only his HALF-sister!
Gingrich Marriages
Newt Gingrich is against marriage equality but served divorce papers on wife while she was in hospital with cancer, married soon after, divorced her for a mistress while impeaching Clinton on Lewinsky!
Maybe Karl Rove’s now ex-wife took a golf club to him and his SUV, and that’s why he requires privacy at this time?
Rove hypocrisy
So Karl Rove just got divorced after vehemently opposing others’ rights to marry&now he wants privacy;I’m sure the ladies are just lining up to get a piece of that!
Back to Goatee
After a full beard for a while, I’m back to goatee; pictures posted with xmas stuff on