Christmas Eve 2009
Xmas revisited
Why is the truncation “Xmas” offensive since it began as a code for xtians centuries years ago when they were ostracized, just like the fish icon from Greek alphabet?
FiDi Lunches
Friends who work in the FiDi (of San Fran), I’m always interested in finding lunchmates.
Mexico City Gay Marriages
Way to go Mexico City! Gay marriage legalized there! I didn’t see that coming!
Declan Galbraith
Hearing the song alone didn’t turn into a crying fool until I saw Declan Galbraith’s Tell Me Why channeling Michael Jackson on YouTube
In case I didn’t mention it, I can happily receive MMS messages now on my Droid.
Who all is going to TBRU in March (if you don’t know what it is, you probably don’t want to go)?
I don’t like it when the press calls our prez “Bam” – who do they think he is, Dumbya?
Edge is busier than expected at this hour.