I really should plan better.
I’ll have nightmares of hotel pix of 5yo girl looking around innocently&carried by her rapist&murderer minutes before death after her mom SOLD her for drug $; is life so cheap?
An even better suggestion as to what Giuliani should run for – his combover flaping in the wind!
2yo helps Mom give birth to sib in Miss. but no word yet on if was he also the father!
Heinous killer of gay teen in PR was hooking up w/him&claims he believed him to be woman? Latent homo much? Eddie Murphy tranny defense?
Lou Dobbs now whining Obama’s win damaged his “advocacy” journalism!Maybe he means YELLOW,racist book-selling informercial journalism?
Saw Australia (the movie) even though I can’t stand Nicole Kidman; at least Hugh Jackman had a beard through most of it!
“A book….it’s like the Internet made from a tree” – Brian Griffin from Family Guy
Daughter just saw a guy at restaurant in Castro Valley with a shirt that said “Hairy OTTER”;is that anyone I know?
Saw Valley of the Dolls for the first time so I earned my wings!