– Lest we think Governator supports failing infrastructure+green travel:
I hope that Snow,Scozzafava+Lindsey Graham dramas yield a modern, moderate, Reasonable Repub party some day.
I’d hate to see the two-party system fail because of the extreme right’s stronghold.
With emailed my reps in Congress to urge no more troops to Afghanistan; it’s futile+wasteful.
Will Carrie Prejean’s audio book contain Donna Summer’s “Love to Love You Baby” or was it written before self-sex tape came out?
Carrie Prejean is squirming in a whole new way on the View+Larry King now only to sell her book.
Thanks to a very woofy friend for my Wave account! Who wants to connect?
My Latitude is working again if anyone wants to connect there; no longer says I’m in rural China.
Kudos to Prez for not being pressured into plans put before him on Afghanistan;Obama is the “decider” now+he doesn’t pander to a Rove or Cheney.
Good effing riddance to Lou Dobbs+his yellow journalism “show” serving as an informercial for selling his racist propaganda “books”.