Metermaid for muni almost ticketed me for being ONE minute beyond my time upon exiting! This is why I like living in the burbs.
CNN calls them 3 hikers;this is the bias that we complain about in dictatorships+why we are criticized for being imperialists.
Why the hell would 3 Americans try to hike by Iran’s border in the first place? Are they living under A-Raq?
Droid arrived! Now the work+fun begins-love being organized+productive!
Talk about an eyegasm?
Wanda Sykes’ new show is cute, but wrong format; she should do sketch comedy like when she did Crank Yankers.
Sara Silverman is once again my hero;youtube her +”Vatican”; be prepared to LOL (you’ve been warmed).
Can’t believe Verizon required signature;won’t have droid for another day; so much for “overnight”
Watched Hitchcock’s Vertigo with Mom, daughter yesterday and they loved it; Kim Novak was a vision.