Daughter+I just watched Slum Dog Millionaire and we loved it.
Rihanna is gorgeous+wiser; she’ll be fine, but she’s still a little in denial about Chris Brown’s previous behavior.
At least I have Win7 to play with until my Droid gets here.
I truly believe you can get cruised at any corner in sf.
Can some fashion queen advise me what the tucking in rules are depending on belly size, etc?
Can’t wait for plastic-faced televangelist Joel Osteen’s skeletons to unleash in scandal like all of his holier than thou predecessors.
While it took a lot of hunting, finally figured out how to keep FB groups hidden (I think – can someone verify?).
I’m expecting my forthcoming Droid to be a tricorder 2.0 (the iphone being version 1.3).
Reviews for “Precious” (with a Reagan era mise-en-scene) seem outstanding.
Ordered my Verizon Droid! W00t!! (I think that’s what the kids say nowadays)