2 wars going on+NYC having tickertape over “world” champs for sport played in 1 country?
NRA:TX gun happy bastardization of 2nd Amend.had no effect on sad Ft Hood situation?
Karzai’s probably better than any unknown; there are slim pickings for his replacement.
Was there some kind of sport event recently? I was paying attention to real news (meow).
House share still available in Castro Valley. Inquire within.
Let’s diagram Prejean in dictionary under PERFECT HYPOCRISY as she’s the epitome of a right wing fundy having to eat crow.
Could Carrie Prejean’s self-destruction have been any more concrete with the video TMZ found?
Hey fellow diabetics – new study shows laughter can lower blood sugar (I suspected as much)
My original quote: laughter is the best revenge against death.
Uploaded pictures from yesterday to my site – direct link is www.haydennet.com/2009/halloween