Popping antibiotics+tylenol, but had to cancel NYC trip.
Recovering from rash from gardening causing very high fever+ER visit.
Nate deserves halo-he made cake+frosting from SCRATCH Sat.,then got up@4am
Had a great party@house for daughter’s 17th yesterday w/ friends+family
Daughter turns 17 today, but I look so good! 🙂
I’m a diva+Bdway lover to begin with,but Susan Boyle is MESMERIZING…yout
(De-)weeding must be therapeutic for hair-pulling OCDer’s
Nate+I got MAN-e-cures yesterday at our friend Didi’s Bellapiaz.com
Mom is making canolis for daughter’s 17th bday party on Sunday!
Our ’85 Nissan Pulsar came through in a pinch while Audi’s in the shop.