Ann Coulter’s Kampf (struggle)

This is part of today’s blog that I posted to my personal web site (

 I watched the interview with WANNABE ARYAN PRINCESS Ann Coulter on The View yesterday, where she was promoting her venomous and predictably controversial book. She goes on and on about how biracial people in our society like our incoming president and Halle Barry "identify with the fathers who abandoned them instead of the hard-working single white mothers who raised them" (not that Ann thinks single mothers should exist at all, if you read on). Well, unmarried and barren Coulter doesn’t know squat from experience, and a lot of society doesn’t understand that no matter how HALF-WHITE my daughter is, for example, she is POLITICALLY black. That doesn’t mean she is not tremendously proud of her other heritage, which she is. There is nothing I can do about the way my daughter is categorized. Whoopi Goldberg, another parent of a biracial daughter, like me, said that her child and everyone else in society is going to be perceived as what people think them to be, not what they are. I remember years ago on Oprah this guy got up and said he was half Pacific Islander and half Persian, but everyone thought he was Latino, so he asked, "Should I identify as Latino?" That is where surnames (unfortunately) come in, perhaps, although that is hardly scientific. I am the perfect example of a surname not matching my identity, I think my 1/16th English surname has given me some privilege in America (see my blog about getting stopped by the police officer last August).

What was even more disturbing than the racial talk from someone who is lilly white and statuesque blonde, is that, throwing around the "L" word (liberal) was making her froth at the mouth when she asked Barbara Walters, a distinguished veteran journalist of decades, to continue reading the passage from her (Coulter’s) book "as if you are reading Mein Kampf"! There was a deafening silence and the next few segments of The View were complete fluff, so there was speculation that Ann was asked to leave. Does Ann know that Barbara is half Jewish?!? Does she REALLY think that a descendant of Jewish people in particular would EVER read anything that resembled reading it "LIKE" Mein Kampf? I know Ann is sharp-tongued and boisterous, but I really doubt she understood the gravity of the insult, as most people may not even be aware of the depth of the insult. And tell me, Ann, what the FUCK is reading something like Mein Kampf like, you straw-grasping psuedo-intellectual statistic-twisting bitch? I think Barbara Walters is an amazing woman for nothing else than not throwing the damn book at Ann!  Apparently Ann is very familiar with Hitler’s work, because she throws her hero’s book title around a lot.  She made headlines by calling Obama’s autobiography his "Dimestore Mein Kampf".

Hello from Vallejo, California!