Almost a Year Since House Fire

Here’s a picture of my house being renovated as of today. I was encouraged a few weeks ago when I saw the insulation (or whatever that is) being placed on the siding, but apparently, nothing has changed for a few weeks even though this step was done after the holidays. Hopefully I’ll get an update soon, but frustratingly the contractor’s new insurance carrier doesn’t allow me on the premises of my OWN house at this juncture for liability reasons. I’m not even bothering to challenge this as the house is close to being done structurally and supposedly it’s ready for a roof inspection. I’m torn between feeling helpless and giddy with excitement about moving back within a few months. Saturday is the one-year anniversary of the fire.

I hold my survivor dog Snoopy and my new dog Bonnie extra tight, especially because she reminds me so much of the blind dogs I lost that day, but I miss the presence, warmth, and personalities of Pancho, Cappy, Polar, Snowball, and Matty so much since I didn’t get to say goodbye to them and I lost them before their time.

I am very triggered by the footage of my hometown Los Angeles (yes, I was born there). The nightmares continue, even sometimes when I take a nap, but I see the pictures of my lost dogs every day on my screensaver, whether that’s wise for me to do or not. I have video footage of them too, but it wasn’t enough in hindsight.

Animal Shelter Beneficiary of Vallejo Waterfront Weekend Event

Thank you to the Vallejo Waterfront Weekend (a yearly weekend event every October) for their big check to Humane Society of the North Bay. Some of us board members went there to receive it. It took place at Suite Treatments here in Vallejo.

Nelson, the Jack Russell, is Jackie’s dog. She runs the event and owns the venue we were in. Honey Bear, the brown dog, is available for adoption. He came with his foster mom Mei.

Bay Woof and Tobacco Iconography

As someone who was featured with my own story in Bay Woof last month, I’ve been very excited to find out more about it, particularly as a board member of several years of one of the Bay Area’s animal shelters.  I reviewed January’s issue today only to discover that there is a section called “Mr. Smarty Pants Knows” on dog behavior.

  1. Even if R.U. Steinberg (the author) is a genius, why the hell does there have to be a cartoon depiction of him smoking a PIPE as the logo?  Cartoons generally attract youth.  What message does that give to readers, and why is it ever appropriate to stick tobacco into the mouth of a “smart person,” especially in 2025?  Is cancer smart?  This is the kind of normalization and marketing Big Tobacco just LOVES getting for free.
  2. Does Bay Woof not realize how harmful smoke is to our pets?

I urge Bay Woof to reconsider why you are perpetuating smoking tobacco as a positive and “smart” thing to do for someone adopting such a moniker, with an academic cap no less. 

These images are courtesy of LGBTQMinusTobacco:

Hello from Vallejo, California!